• Imagen 1

How to make reflection using Photoshop

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1. Open the file you want to reflect:

2. Right click on the layer and choose Duplicate Layer:
3. Go to edit>transform>flip vertical:
4. Drag the vertical image under the real image:

5.Reduce the opacity to 17%(May varies depending on type and colour of image):

Download Photoshop CS5 Portable edition!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Heres the download link: Click here to download

1. Download the file.

2.Extract the file using WinZip/WinRar or any other extracting software.

3.Open Photoshop.exe to use the photoshop!

Make Fancy Texts Using Photoshop!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

1. Download this "styles" file : Click here to download
2. Load the style files:

3. Type a text into ur photoshop:

4. Choose the style that you like from the styles list:

(You could choose other fancy styles too!)
And done!

How to remove background from pictures!

Hello, this is the first tutorial on the site, so have fun!

1. Open up your image on photoshop

2. Select the quick selection tool and choose these settings:

3. Select the part of image that you want:

4. Click refine edge to remove the back ground
5.Play around with the setting and tadaa! You're done!

Thanks for reading.


Hello, and welcome to this new site where you can learn lots of new stuff about photoshop! Feel free to comment and follow this site!


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